I Love to Surf
There is nothing like the energized focus that washes over me when I'm in the ocean. I learned to surf the hard way (doesn’t everyone?) – paddled out, tried, fell, tried harder, fell harder, crashed over and over again, and finally caught one small wave. Then another.
Learning to surf is like being in therapy.
You arrive with hope and hesitation. Some days are easy, others hard. Some days the elements are big, but you survive. Some days you tumble in the wash holding your breath. Progress is earned. Like learning to surf, being in therapy requires showing up and doing the work. In therapy, we do the work together.
I became a Therapist to help individuals, couples, and families heal emotional distress that affects functioning in relationships and in life. If you are in pain, stuck, or tumbling in the wash, please contact me at:
Be well, Ann-Marie
Harvard University – Ed.M. Human Development & Psychology
Alliant International University – M.A. Marital and Family Therapy
Tufts University – B.S. Psychology
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (CA #131586)
Clinical Member of California Association of Marriage and Family Therapy (CAMFT)
Clinical Member of American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT)